Over the past several years, Regency Management Group has established systems for keeping track of the rhythms associated with Property Management cycles. January February March April May June July August September October November December
The purpose of this digital calendar is to share these cycles in a meaningful and actionable manner. Visit each month for timely reminders associated with keeping your communities safe, happy and beautiful.
Follow us on Facebook & Twitter for a monthly reminder!
Consider creating a New Brochure, to distribute to Realtors, marketing your community’s best features going forward
Resident Directory, for scheduling car pools, play dates, and bridge parties
Review snow contractor performance
Update Welcome Packets
Publish Board Meeting Dates
Update Liens
Heat should be at 60 degrees minimum and outside pipes should be insulated
Attic fan thermostats should be turned off and change furnace filters every 3 weeks in very cold weather
Make sure someone is checking the grounds regularly
Keep batteries & flashlights handy for power outages
Keep small bag of ice melt (not salt) near your main entry and in trunk of your car
In really cold and windy weather, leave hot water faucets dripping
Review snow contractor performance
Review Spring Grounds Improvement Projects
Review Spring Contracts
Check Lighting/Safety
Lawn maintenance contractors will begin early clean up work:
Remove dead wood
Identify plants that sustained winter damage
Clean out detention basins
Remove any lingering leaves
Apply lawn chemicals and fertilizer
Review first quarter expenditures and take a closer look at snow removal costs
Tax Return/Extension
Review Draft Audit
Inspect Amenities
Schedule spring gutter cleaning
Schedule sidewalk inspections
Spring cleanup
Meet with Auditor
Street cleaning
Complete snow damage inspection
Summer sports, camps and enrichment programs begin registration
Turn sprinkler system on
Check furniture / umbrellas
Pool inspections & opening
Establish & publish pool hours
Issue pool badges
Plan a barbecue!
Check landscaper performance
Review property improvement plans
Review lawn/snow/pool specs for next season
Complete sprinkler inspection
Budget prep
Develop management plan
Solicit bids for next year’s projects
Solicit grounds maintenance, snow clearing, & ice control bids
Review all contracted services to identify current specs that have to be changed
Don’t wait until fall to complete a full inspection of the property
Review lawn/snow/pool proposals & select contractors
Prepare draft budget
Review audit proposals
Select Accountant
Check community signage
Community Association Industry (CAI-NJ) Conference – Board members should attend!
Review Draft Budget
Prepare & Execute lawn/snow/pool contracts
Review and follow-up on insurance certificates
Schedule budget workshop
Include holiday decoration reminder in newsletter
Schedule fall cleanup
Winterize irrigation system
Schedule roof inspection
Review snow clearing procedures
Trim large branches near buildings
Complete fall cleanup
Batten down and loose shingles & secure signage
Final leaf clean up & salt/sand mixture should be ordered for storage on site
Prepare and mail budget notice and coupons
Distribute holiday reminders
Prepare next year’s master calendar
Schedule Christmas tree pick-up
Set & distribute meeting schedule for next year
Prepare board-meeting schedule for next year
Have a great holiday!